We are all continuously searching for direction and one common thread joins us: The destination we will find is no different from one to the other. I have continuously realized that the destination or the purpose we search in itself is the reason for our existence and continuous growth. The frustration that comes from not getting to where we need to go when we want or the fear that we will not reach this place within this lifetime is an inherent malice that plagues our limited brains. Many of us lack the understanding that comes from accepting the journey with the spice we bring by the choices we make into a life that would otherwise be purposeless. We seek to get to the end destination, the fallacy presented by the most obscure concept of them all, "Happiness." We believe that if we eat this way, behave that way, do this thing, accumulate this.. that we will reach a place with a golden door where we will be handed the elixir that will render us with eternal bliss. Neither do the door or the concept of eternity exist they are concept created by our human minds to put some linear perspective to our otherwise random lives. This idea to continuously seek the end of our journey is generated because our tired and weary minds and bodies can not interpret or understand the message of the soul we all share, life. Only the pain and pleasure that come from the awareness of the transitional phases of our existence can give us a glimpse into what the concept of happiness really means. Its content does not come in a full large dose of its essence. It is a million subtle small doses that if we are unaware we fail to feel or acknowledge. Only by our awareness can we enjoy the bliss that comes from having the opportunity to be alive in this world and acknowledge the life that lies within us. Enjoy the journey with the pain, pleasure, misery, and struggle that is essential to be awakened into acknowledging and feeling. Only by stopping the struggle generated by our inability to accept the present as the only true existence can we find true enlightenment.
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