Friday, July 9, 2010

Beware of Whose Advice You Seek

It is a virtue to learn from other's mistakes. It is sheer lunacy to seek the advice of those who clearly have no idea regarding the subject. For example, would you ask a divorced person how to make a relationship work? Would you ask a poor man how to become a millionaire? Would you seek relationship advice from a person who clearly has not been successful at having any of real meaning? When it is put in this terms it does seem irrational. Yet for some reason, many people listen and act upon the advice of the least qualified individuals. Then when the same misery befalls them they ask themselves why this happened to them. Without the slightest bit of introspection and in an unconscious manner they run back to the advisor to find solace from their pain (once again getting the advice that will help them dig their hole deeper). Not realizing that that person is the one they should run from when regarding that subject. Have you ever found that when you begin to seek the advice from certain people all of a sudden you and those people find yourselves in very similar situations. I am convinced that misery likes company and for some reason those with failed lives or portions of their lives are the most forthcoming with solicited and unsolicited advice regarding the subject. They end up creating a group of individuals that dwell in their disknowledge and cyclically repeat their misfortune. Beware of whose advice you seek. If you want to make a relationship work talk to those who have made their relationship work. If you want to make money listen to those whom have been able to make and hold it. Alternatively, if you want your life to fail then listen to those whose life has failed.

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