Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The Beginning

For long I have been he who starts the blogs and stories of others, who propelled and opened the door to many so that their load may be lightened and their life easier; I was he who created the impact and assimilates their emotions to represent their intentions in written form. Today, I begin the statement of my story and the display of some others that I have written some time ago, today I open the door but only for me. It is an exhibition of my thoughts in written form; a glimpse into whom I was and who I am; a simple expression of me. I hope that you find this entertaining at the very least. This is my life, what dwells in my head, and my perception of that which I believe lies outside me. Feel free to comment without regard or fear. All I ask is that you at least always remember that I, like you, am just human. My thoughts are not rules, they are perceptions and deductions they are clouded with my emotions and cleared by reality or my acceptance of it and they don't always happen at the same time. I am full of faults and also full of hope. I am not sure where my current journey will take me but at least I am certain of where it will end. Be well and may your life always be full of hope and happiness...

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