When we surround ourselves or are surrounded by by people whose lives are failed or controlled by fear we inevitably allow ideas to be planted in our unconscious that limit our ability to determine our own path and inevitably find the same demise as them. (remember our minds are fragile interfaces between our physical existence and the ether that defines our soul) The only way to limit the ability of others to set unconscious points of reference in our heads is to define our own path, live life without fear, acknowledge and take responsibility for our own mistakes so that we may learn from them; have the courage to keep on living despite the disappointment that comes from failing ourselves and others. As my brother (Rt) put it: "just breath the answers will come when you are ready"; as my dog (T) showed me "never, never, never give up, if you can smell it be persistent and you will find it...just trust your instincts"; find yourself in a place where courage and not fear are rewarded where those who surround you help you clear the path so that your life is not more confusing than it needs to. Trust yourself above anyone else only you will experience your life and all that comes with the choices you make...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Conscious Decisions Based on Unconscious Beliefs
The titled subject can not be given proper attention based on a single blog as it is debated by many learned people and the theories abound. I as a humble subject of my own experience can only comment on a single perception. A previous comment I made was based on my advice to not look at whose advice you take. A friend commented to me that sometimes listening to the advice given by people whose lives had failed was necessary as a reference to what NOT to do. This sounds like a logical way to avoid making the same mistakes as others. I myself had used this as a means of finding a point of reference to avoid the pitfalls of a failed way of being. Well, I was wrong, sometimes running away from what you are conscious of defines your failures as much as running towards that which caused someone else's failure. It is the definition of that reference point that creates the problem. Perhaps that reference point is what caused the failure of the other person in the first place. Whether it was running away from or towards it is irrelevant to the result. The fact is that the seed of the idea was planted and whether our lives are controlled by fear or courage the result is inevitably controlled by that singular unconscious thought now planted in our head.
Many Roads, Single Destination
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
The Shore
I stood by the shore of the sea,
But the sea did not see me,
I reached down and felt the water and sand,
and all I could feel was numbness on my hand.
A thick dark mist slowly creeped towards the shore,
The ships I once saw were to my eyes no more.
In panic I stood and listened for sound,
slow creaks...nothing...nothing...nothing was found.
No shadow, no moon and no light.
Was this to be the night whose darkness
my soul would choose to no longer fight.
Perhaps the sparkling light never in my eyes again reflect.
Perhaps life in me or me in it did both reject.
My soul collected itself and
Slowly my bare feet felt the ground,
Everything around me had now disappeared
yet I knew that still I was where I was still found.
and all I could feel was a small dribbling tear
perhaps from the motionless fog or perhaps from my fear.
The density was great and fear in my soul did abound.
Yet once again my brain reminded me that still in me a soul was found.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Beware of Whose Advice You Seek
It is a virtue to learn from other's mistakes. It is sheer lunacy to seek the advice of those who clearly have no idea regarding the subject. For example, would you ask a divorced person how to make a relationship work? Would you ask a poor man how to become a millionaire? Would you seek relationship advice from a person who clearly has not been successful at having any of real meaning? When it is put in this terms it does seem irrational. Yet for some reason, many people listen and act upon the advice of the least qualified individuals. Then when the same misery befalls them they ask themselves why this happened to them. Without the slightest bit of introspection and in an unconscious manner they run back to the advisor to find solace from their pain (once again getting the advice that will help them dig their hole deeper). Not realizing that that person is the one they should run from when regarding that subject. Have you ever found that when you begin to seek the advice from certain people all of a sudden you and those people find yourselves in very similar situations. I am convinced that misery likes company and for some reason those with failed lives or portions of their lives are the most forthcoming with solicited and unsolicited advice regarding the subject. They end up creating a group of individuals that dwell in their disknowledge and cyclically repeat their misfortune. Beware of whose advice you seek. If you want to make a relationship work talk to those who have made their relationship work. If you want to make money listen to those whom have been able to make and hold it. Alternatively, if you want your life to fail then listen to those whose life has failed.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Name
I choose the name "The Clock Sand" because it is symbolic of the life we live. The glass gives the perception that the sand is free to the light that reflects upon it. Yet, it is trapped in a clear bubble. At the beginning while the clock lies still on it's side no motion, no existence, no life. Then the intentions of a greater being or force move the clock upright...the top of the clock is full of sand and the bottom empty. The empty chamber represents the potential; the sand represents our perception of time all encased within the clear memory of the shape of the glass our journey through life. Slowly by gravity (destiny or the force of choice) the grains begin to transfer from one space to the other...each grain represents an experience in our existence. The tapered area of the clock separating the two chambers represents our present it is the place where our experience last the longest and through which we all pass given the life we live. Then it falls into the pit of the chamber that represents our memory. Each little grain represents a singular opportunity in our lives...a single experience potential before and a single experience memory after...therefore what is represented upon this text is a my view of the sand in the clock. Sometimes while I am it, trapped within it, and sometimes when I am lucky and can escape its grasp of singular and bound sentience from outside of it.
The Beginning
For long I have been he who starts the blogs and stories of others, who propelled and opened the door to many so that their load may be lightened and their life easier; I was he who created the impact and assimilates their emotions to represent their intentions in written form. Today, I begin the statement of my story and the display of some others that I have written some time ago, today I open the door but only for me. It is an exhibition of my thoughts in written form; a glimpse into whom I was and who I am; a simple expression of me. I hope that you find this entertaining at the very least. This is my life, what dwells in my head, and my perception of that which I believe lies outside me. Feel free to comment without regard or fear. All I ask is that you at least always remember that I, like you, am just human. My thoughts are not rules, they are perceptions and deductions they are clouded with my emotions and cleared by reality or my acceptance of it and they don't always happen at the same time. I am full of faults and also full of hope. I am not sure where my current journey will take me but at least I am certain of where it will end. Be well and may your life always be full of hope and happiness...
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